The ATIC Space Opera Adventure Game is now available for pre-order on our online store!

Our Kickstarter succeeded on June 30th, and we're off to the races. We will finish up any design touches, work out our manufacturing are next, and have it out to our patrons in June of 2025!

You're about to embarked on a solo sci-fi adventure!

Set in the galaxy of the Atopian-Traxinian Interstellar Consociation, ATIC is part board game, part choose-your-own-adventure novel. You are a citizen of Atopia, traveling from planet to planet, just trying to make ends meet and have some adventure. ATIC combines immersive storytelling with strategic decision-making and interactive gameplay mechanics. It has dice mechanics for hand-to-hand and ship combat, money, maps, and cards for items, enemies, and random events. And you save your game between play sessions so you can play for as long or short a time as you like.

But the real magic is in the Event Booklet, which has been redesigned so there are no dead ends!

The Event Booklet

The driver of action in ATIC is the Planetary Events Booklet, written in a specially redesigned choose-your-own-adventure format.

What happens when you read a traditional choose-your-own adventure novel?

You make some choices on the decision tree. You head down some dead end branches. You die a couple times. Each time you kind of rewind to where you want to try a different choice. And you always feel like you're cheating just a little.

Why not design an adventure book with loops instead of branches?

We did! Each planet is a web of places to which you can, and will, return. An ATIC Event Book is designed without dead-ends, so you can move around inside of it. It functions as a rogue-like: you can go hire more help, go back to talk to that alien again, go back to the cantina to look for another job, or the seedy alleys to get buy better weapons. You can always go back to the marketplace to spend your money on better weapons or armour. You can go back to the shipyard to improve your ship systems. And better equipped, you can go back out to explore, crashing around inside the pages until you decide to blast off to another planet and a different booklet.

The Extra Magic

ATIC boosts the unique benefits of the Events Booklet by adding dice-driven combat, items to purchase, a ship to modify and upgrade, food and wound tokens to track with, and cash to be earned along the way. You can even buy and sell commodities (in amounts your ship can handle, of course) to make a little extra dough when you travel between worlds.

Save Between Plays

Because it's an adventure game, ATIC is played over a series of sessions. Saving your progress between play sessions is as easy as putting your cards into your 'dossier' envelope and marking down your wounds and Event Book number in the planet book.

Cooperative or Solo

ATIC was designed as a solo game, but so many of our testers played it in a group of two or three that we're convinced it works extremely well as a cooperative game!

Introducing The Core Box Set!

This is the Core Set, the beginning of ATIC! The image you see up top is our hand-built Beta Tester Set (with a future planet, Risivius Prime). The final, delivered Core Box Set will have it all: the rules, pieces, and the first planet to explore: Atopia.

Further Adventures!

An ATIC season will roll out as a series of interconnected planetary adventures. Future releases will be available as they're finished. Each supplement will include a new map or two; new items, event, and foe cards; and a new Events Booklet to explore. You’ll be able to play each one on its own, but there will be reasons return to previous planets: to trade goods, finish jobs, and hire crew. In the end, they'll all connect.

Click image to check out the rules!

Sure, flying all over the cosmos is dangerous. Trouble seems to catch up no matter how fast you go. You'll just have to buy better equipment as you move along, maybe even upgrade your ship. After all, it always pays to have a good blaster at your hip and an extra micro-ration in your pack.